Customer Sharing Of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin ( new name Winion Sanitary Napkin)

Enhanced Version WinIon Sanitary Napkin
Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin / Winion Sanitary Napkin is the only sanitary napkin/pad with negative ion (Anion). The anion strip inside the sanitary pads can release up to 5,800-6,070 Negative Ion (Anion) per cubic cm. The intensity of Negative Ion (Anion) released will effective suppresses the survival and multiplication of bacteria on the sanitary napkins. It can help regulate body functions such as antibacterial capabilities, deodorization, through purely physical processes. Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin (Winion Sanitary Napkin) is a revolutionary innovation product for improved women sanitary protection. Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin (Winion Sanitary Napkin) offers exclusive sanitary napkins with anti-bacterial effect, strongest liquid absorption and anti-bacterial effect.