Sanitary Napkin with Negative Ion (Anion)

The Benefits Of Negative Ion (Anion) to Health

If the air contains a low concentration of negative ion (anion), symptoms such as lethargy, dizziness, migraine, depression and shortness of breath will occur.
According to the standard of the World Health Organization, the concentration of negative ion (anion) in the fresh air should not be less than 1000 units negative ion (anion) per cubic centimetre. When the concentration of negative ion (anion) reaches a certain level, the number of bacterial will eventually be reduced to zero.
The negative ion (anion) in the air possesses electrodes which easily attached to the surface of bacterial. This process will produce low electric currents that eliminate them and suppresses further multiplication, thus achieving the effects of eradicating bacterial and sterilization
Video: Anions
The Miraculous Of Negative Ion (Anion) Sanitary Napkin
Every cm cubic of the anionic padding in each piece of Love Moon Anion (WinIon) Sanitary Napkin can release up to 5800 negative ion (anion). The Intensity of negative ion (anion) released will effectively suppress the survival and multiplication of bacterial and viruses on the sanitary napkins.
The Negative Ion Chip releases a large amount of oxygen, has a balanced PH level and enhances hormonal balance that effectively improves incretion, strengthening immunity, reducing stress, eliminating bacterial, treating inflammation, eradicating odour, removing fatigue and etc.
The functions of the Negative Ion Sanitary Napkin
The Negative Ion Sanitary Napkin with health care functions is researched and developed wholly by Winalite. According to the investigations of the China Ministry of Health, inflammation can be reduced and sterilization takes place if there are at least 1200 negative ions in every cubic centimeter in the air. The negative ion chip in Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin / WinIon Sanitary Napkin can produce 5800 negative ions in every cubic centimetre when there is water or blood and produces large quantities of dissociating oxygen. Most of the bacteria that cause gyneacopathy are anaerobe, which will die within 30 seconds to 1 minute in oxygen - just as man will die without oxygen and fish will die without water within 10 minutes. Hence large quantities of negative ions and oxygen can penetrate the body easily, thus killing the very causes of diseases - bacteria and viruses. At the same time, the negative ion chip can radiate far-infrared with 4-14 um wavelength, which is the right electromagnetic waveband for reducing inflammation.
Negative ions (Anion) will move up to the womb through the vagina, improving blood circulation. Thus, the silt and blood clot stored long in the vagina can be discharged more smoothly. The womb can be repaired and improvements can be expected in 3-5 days. Then, inflammation disappears and no smell is left.
WinIon Sanitary Napkin can effectively restrict the growth and survival of bacteria and viruses, activates metabolism, improves secretion, and increases immunity. They are also effective in adjusting pressure, resisting bacteria, reducing inflammation, reducing odour and removing tiredness.
Women who want to take prevention a step further are discovering the potential benefits of specialized sanitary napkins that can improve oxygen flow and prevent bacterial growth. Sanitary napkins that have anion chips included in their design have been shown to not only slow or prevent bacterial growth, but also reduce odours, among other benefits. Female infections can range from those that cause itching, irritation and discomfort to types that may even lead to death. Preventing them is often possible when women take a proactive approach to menstrual management.
Enhance Version Of Anion Strip (Anion Chip) for WinIon Sanitary Napkin

We have launched a new version of anion strip (anion chip) at Sept 2010,this enhance version of Anion Strip (Anion Chip) able to release negative ion and far in-fra red.
Strontium ferrite is added in the anion strip (anion chip), which is bio-magnetic can activate the human bio-current, to prevent the various diseases. In addition, the strontium added in the anion strip fiber helps to prevent skin diseases and vaginal itching. This enhance version of Anion Strip can raise the growth of bio-enzyme, regulate the acidic secretions in vaginal and improve women`s self-protection ability.
This enhance version of anion and bio-magnetic strip is used in WinIon Sanitary Napkin.